Entry ni khas utk my friends yg nak tahu pasal bf ni... Actually, saya ni bukanla expert mana dlm bf ni... walopon anak dah 2, ni first time utk saya betul breastfeeding my bb.. Alkisah my first bb tak mo minum susu ibu... Sedih memang sedih... because of that la kalini memang terus niat nak fully bf my 2nd baby... So, masa pregnant tu memang giler2 carik info dlm internet... carik review breastpump la, review memacamla... So, bila dah deliver bb, memang dah lengkap la keperluan... Meh saya tunjuk gambo susu baru jer diperah.. (cakap mcm perah lembu plak...)
Boleh dpt dlm 150 ml gitu sekali pump... sebb minum milk maid tea la... thanx a lot pada pinkstilettos yer coz citer psl tea n balm bb sumer tu.. hehehe, inilah untungnya bloghopping... sambil baca dpt info...
Dari review di forum, ramai yg kata spectra3 bagus selain medela pisa la... yg rega ribu riban... tak kuasa den nak beli.... memang betul bagus coz senyap jer bunyi dier.... kawan2, pump ni ada controller yg boleh adjust nak suction kuat atau slow... tak sakit pun my n*ppl*.... senang nak bawak ke opis gak...rega spectra ni rm328.. dibeli di mybbstore.com.. masa tu sale..so sesapa nak beli, baiklah survey dulu... tapi sayang, masa tu tersilap tak beli lagi sebelah kalau tak, senang pam serentak......
Saya beli botol susu breastflow plak sebb baca review pasal putingnyer. Yelah, takut karang bb dah try puting botol susu terus tak mau si ibunyer plak... Korang google la psl ni....
“The 5 oz Breastflow BPA-FREE bottle is ideal for newborns and young infants and includes a Stage 1, slow flow nipple. Breastflow is the only feeding system that requires both suction and compression, just like breast feeding. The nipple is designed to mimic the breast so baby can latch on and to encourage the same mouth and tongue position as breast feeding. The double nipple system requires both suction and compression, just like breast feeding and baby controls the flow of milk. It's the bottle most like breastfeeding. The Breastflow System is ideal for nursing moms who would like to introduce a bottle, are returning to work, or need to supplement while their baby is in day care or with a caregiver. Because Breastflow bottles so closely mimic the feel and action of breastfeeding, care givers can bottle feed baby while Mom is working and Mom can still continue to breastfeed.”

1 comment:
kak dora...nk tanya...sedap ke rs milk maid tea tu? nadiah pun slalu terbaca dlm blogger ibu2 psl teh tu tp tak prnh cuba pun. tkt nnt kalu nadiah tak 'tertelan' membazir lak nnt. hehe. nadiah minum air roselle utk bykkn air susu. so far serasi la ngan nadiah. nadiah pun duk pasang niat nk BF safiyyah smpai umur dia 2 thn =)
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