May 25, 2011


 Crappy website. Very hard to fill the online form. COuldn't find my address because I spelled using Bukit Gambir while your system only recognized Bkt Gambier. Call service center for help, got the answer. continue filling my form.
When I want to pay, opted for credit card, nothing appears. Call service center again. was told credit card service is down.
I opted for cash payment.

After receiving the trace number and a promised that a delivery will be made to me at 7:12pm at the webpage, no pizza came after one hour of wait. I called service center AGAIN, asked them what happened?, was told I didn't make any order!
I have a trace number and you told me I haven't made any order?
Thank you for a crappy service. I vow not to ever have pizza hut again from now because your people answering the phone are sometimes clueless and rude, and they blamed me for not checking my e-mail to see if I received an e-mail notification to confirmed my order! where in hell did you state all this receive e-mail notification???

this is my first round of rant. I'll update after going out to have dinner. Yes, I have to go out for dinner because pizza hut sucks! big time!

dora Ayub